Merchandise on display is one of the first factors that help enterprises get closer to customers, bringing great opportunities for manufacturers and distributors in turning shoppers into shoppers, so now The distribution system management is quite focused on the display of goods at each store.
It is not too difficult to find stalls arranged unprofessionally, unreasonable, manufacturers’ brands have not been brought into the eyes of consumers, etc. The management of displayed goods will be easy for customers. with the modern trade (MT) distribution channel in supermarkets and convenience stores because there is support staff, but managing the displayed goods will be extremely difficult for the general trade (GT) distribution channel at markets and grocery stores. retail, etc., because the area at each point of sale is quite small and there is no effective management system, the company’s brand awareness will be quite low and the marketing campaigns will not be optimized due to not finding Enterprise’s products.
Optimizing the management of displayed goods in both MT and GT distribution channels is one of the leading strategies of manufacturing enterprises today, realizing the importance of that, leading FMCG enterprises in Vietnam such as Johnson & Johnson, Kido, KAO, etc. have applied information technology systems in production and distribution. This brings high efficiency in distribution, saving time as well as human resources working in the market.
With technological innovation, the application of artificial intelligence (AI) has been included in the software solutions provided to manufacturing and distribution enterprises today. Helping enterprises save time, personnel, costs, and especially objectivity and accuracy in the process of grading displays.
So how will Artificial Intelligence Technology be applied in marking the display of goods?
With the trend of new technology applications, DMS software will be combined with Machine Learning, and image recognition through data programming on the system. We will focus on the rules that the Enterprise has applied to the standard of management of displayed goods, then will create algorithms so that the software system can learn the standards and rules that the Enterprise has proposed. go out.
The application of this new technology platform will replace the previous jobs that enterprises are applying for, that is, when salespeople come to the market, they no longer have to record images and send them through applications such as Zalo. , Viber, ..for the audit department to display. But all the above processes in just one operation, market staff only need to bring equipment with installed distribution system management software, record images on the system, then synchronize to the system… The software will automatically analyze and give results at the time the salesperson sends the image, without having to hire a 3rd party to do this task.
Sales staff will quickly receive results, detect errors and make appropriate adjustments at each point of sale, in parallel with artificial intelligence technology will automatically remind sales staff to record and Receive pictures every time they visit Customers. In addition, when the data synchronization system is at the management level it will control the operation and image at each point of sale, get the most intuitive view, and the most effective business strategy.
The application of DMS distribution system management software will help enterprises save management time, and personnel costs, increase brand recognition, optimize each display point, etc. The Distributor does a good job of displaying goods when registered with the Enterprise.
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