2021 is a difficult time for the Vietnamese retail market. The last months of the year will record positive signs that will boost the market’s recovery.
The prolonged epidemic situation in the past year has caused the retail sales of goods and services to grow negatively. The industry’s revenue in 2021 reached nearly VND 4,79 million billion, down 3.8% over the same period last year. (*)
The explosion of online business has changed the shopping habits of consumers, especially in the context of travel restrictions. With flexibility, convenience and improved delivery quality, people have become more confident when shopping online. According to Vietnam Credit, 2021 will see the growth of the e-commerce market at 18% year-on-year, putting Vietnam in the lead among Southeast Asian countries in terms of the growth of this business model.
It can be said that digital transformation – the only option to help businesses revive after the COVID-19 pandemic. Digital transformation has really become a trend, a mandatory requirement for countries, industries and businesses to move towards a safe, flexible and effective coexistence with COVID-19.
Grasping that trend, HQSOFT launched the nRetail Platform Solution to apply to the operation of the distribution model.
nRetnRetail stands for “The New Retail Platform”. An online platform that connects Retailer with actors in the distribution chain. Helps convert traditional operations to digital operations to simplify linkages. With the nRetail Solution from HQSOFT, Retailers easily connect with suppliers, shorten the order process, manage order status and receive offers from the supplier’s direct portal. Increase business opportunities for grocers, point of sale, bring products to consumers in the fastest way.
In the chain of distribution models, nRetail Solution from HQSOFT will be a platform to connect entities to simplify the buying and selling process. This is seen as the new future of Retailer’s operations. In order to help Retailers quickly order, easily buy and sell, full of offers when applying this solution.
nRetail Solution from HQSOFT is geared towards optimizing links in the distribution chain. This will be an effective tool for Retailers and suppliers to expand and strengthen their business.
nRetail Solution from HQSOFT is the new future of stores in the distribution model. When processes are simplified, store owners increase sales; The supplier will expand the distribution system. Ensure to meet the trend to increase competitive strength in the market.
For more information about nRetail Solution:
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