Order Process Automation? What do you think about this?

Based on inventory, sales history, sales quotas, seasonal factors, Enterprises can automatically place purchase orders for distributors.

This is one of the essential features for Enterprises to maintain the stable supply of goods from Enterprises to distributors.

Enterprises are completely active to make plans for production, business, importing and coordinating goods on the whole system.

In addition, Vendor Managed Inventory  (VMI) system also helps Enterprises:

  • Save time
  • Minimize the risks of errors
  • Reduce human resources

+ The company’s sales department can check, distribute and review orders on the system according to the settings of each Enterprise.

  • Notify timely

+ The system automatically checks and allocates the inventory, checks debts, limits, value/quantity of orders … to provide the reviewers timely warnings.

  • Install and correct easily

+ It’s easy to set up changes to the requested order calculation formulas, decentralization and approval process according to the characteristics of each enterprise.

Integrate easily

+ It’s easy to integrate the system with ERP systems such as SAP, MS AX, MS Solomon, Oracle EBS with various interfaces via file, web service…

With the experiences from working with leading international corporations in different fields and industries in a long time, HQsoft always strives to provide its Customers with solutions to optimize their business operations and maximize Enterprises’ profits. Let HQsoft’s Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) solution improve your business level.

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